The beauty of working with a trading bot lies in the fact that you can backtest your strategies and configurations. That way, you don't need to simulate your trading to see if it's going to work out or not.
Professional algorithmic traders continuously backtest their strategies. They have a strategy running live on their investments that they've tested on the current market, and they keep creating and testing new strategies. The markets change, and so do their strategies, so backtesting is essential.
The backtesting tool tests your strategy in combination with your configuration. It scans when your Hopper would've bought and what the result would have been with your current setup. It's a perfect way to analyze if your Stop-Loss, Trailing Stop-Loss, and other settings are correct.
We recommend first testing your Strategy Builder strategies so that you have an excellent strategy to work with. You can then start playing around with different configurations.
Your First Backtest
Select the currency you want to backtest and click "Load Existing Config". As you can see, all settings are automatically adjusted. Select the period you want to backtest the config on. We recommend not setting the period too long, otherwise, it will take very long to analyze it. Also, remember what the professionals do? They use smaller time frames so that their strategies are more effective.
As you can see, this needs some adjustments. Alter your configuration until your max profit is acceptable, and the frequency of your sells with a loss isn't higher than your successful sells. When the test results look good, click "Deploy this Configuration". This will change your config to the settings you've set in the backtesting tool.
Your Backtest history shows the backtests you've done, so you can easily choose and deploy the most successful test. Please keep in mind that the backtester checks your indicator values every 5 minutes. The whole checking cycle of your strategy in a real-funds hopper can therefore provide different results. When using small candle sizes, the strategy can skip some candles.
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