Killer Whale Gain BTC Strategy
This setup guide has been created to help you install Killer Whale Gain BTC Strategy.
Experience: Fish / Dolphin / Killer Whale
Min Starting Balance: $1,000 - $10,000+
Incredible volatility is what Killer Whale Gain BTC thrives on. We use DCA and Shorting settings to continuously participate in top market pairs to Gain BTC. When an assets price is dropping in comparison to BTC the DCA settings will average your cost down. This strategy is also equipped with a robust sell strategy to enter into short positions once an assets price has outpaced BTC or has a strategic play on gaining more of the original asset for the next rounds of price action.
- Top Indicator Equations
- Routine Updates
- Access to Discord Channel
- Alerts to custom trades
- A crypto exchange account, Binance/ KuCoin
- Cryptohopper Account (any subscription)
Killer Whale Gain BTC Setup Guide:
1. Click on “Your hoppers”
2. Click on “Add a new hopper"
3. In the "What type of hopper do you want to create?" Click on “Create Trading Hopper"
4. Now is the time to select your exchange. At the top select from your exchange. This may be "Kucoin" or "Binance" or any of the other supported exchanges you are using to configure Killer Whale Gain BTC.
5. Select your quote currency. You will want to select your exchange and then | BTC. an example would be "Kucoin | BTC" or "Binance | BTC"
6. You will need to now input the API key for your exchange. To setup an API Key on your exchange refer to the exchange guides below:
- Binance API Key Creation
- Kucoin API Key Creation
- Coinbase Pro API Key Creation
- Huobi API Key Creation
- Bitpanda API Key Creation
- Poloinex API Key Creation
Killer Whale Crypto Partners with & Recommends KuCoin.
Now enter the details below that you have selected into Template Setup eg KuCoin | USDT.
You will need to record the following information:
- API Key
- API Secret
- API Passphrase
Click Save when Complete.
7. Click on this link > Killer Whale Gain BTC
8. Click Download
9. Click Auto Update
10. Select the template specific to your exchange eg for Kucoin select KuCoin Gain BTC Template.
KuCoin Gain BTC Template
Binance Gain BTC Template
Kraken Gain BTC Template
11. Click Download and Auto-Update
12. Click on the "Config" drop down in the left menu of your hopper and now click on "Baseconfig"
13. Use the Bulk Actions tab and select "Load Template"
14. Select the "Gain BTC Template" that you just downloaded from Marketplace
15. You will now be prompted to purchase Killer Whale Bank Robber Signals (optional), simply click the "Config, Base Config" on the left navigation bar if you wish to skip this step.
Trailing Stop-Buy
16. Navigate to "Trailing Stop-Buy" and "Disable" Trailing Stop-buy
17. Use the left navigation bar, go to your Dashboard and Enable your Hopper!!
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